Common dental problems during pregnancy.
Dental health is a vital aspect of our well-being. Effective and adequate care is essential to sustain one's oral health. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopausal periods affect periodontal health adversely and cause conditions like tooth loss, gingivitis, dental cavities, etc. Routine dental check-ups are an effective way to track oral health. One's dietary preferences during pregnancy are also causative factors in depleting periodontal health. An increase in progesterone and oestrogen hormones can affect the overall health of teeth and gums.
Let us look at some common dental problems occurring during pregnancy.
● Cavities:
Damage to the tooth's surface can lead to holes or tiny openings forming, commonly known as tooth decay or caries.
● Gingivitis:
Inflammation of the gum. Increasing progesterone levels and low vitamin C levels are some of the causative factors of gingivitis. Redness, swelling and bleeding of gums are some common symptoms.
● Periodontal disease:
Untreated gingivitis may cause loss of the bone supporting the teeth, thereby loosening the teeth.
● Loose teeth:
High levels of progesterone and oestrogen in the bloodstream can temporarily loosen teeth.
● Pregnancy tumours:
Pyogenic granulomas, or pregnancy tumours, are non-cancerous lumps formed in the gums, usually between teeth. Plaque build-up is the causative factor.
● Tooth erosion:
Here are some common causes of poor dental health:
● Poor dietary choices in pregnancy, like binging on sugary foods and inadequate nutrition.
● Frequent vomiting affects the tooth enamel and causes cavities due to the presence of stomach acids.
● A decrease in saliva flow during gestation leads to a bacterial build up in the mouth.
● Overall neglect of dental health arising from insufficient brushing and flossing.