Blogs- Importance Of Regular Health Check-Up

Why Should You Undergo A Regular Health Check-Up?

We are living in the age of technology with a busy lifestyle increasing the number of diseases. It has been observed by the doctors that the working people falling in the age-group of 30-60 are at a high risk of lifestyle diseases. This happens because of unhealthy lifestyle, hereditary diseases, and lack of sleep. can cause many health problems ranging from minor to severe concerns. Helps in the early detection of any potential health problems.

Getting done with a regular health check-up ensures the body to be healthy and can possibly prevent all diseases, you can certainly prevent it from further spreading and turning risky. For instance, through regular check ups one can identify certain diseases such as High BP, Cholesterol or Diabetes and reduce the risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke by making certain lifestyle changes such as following a healthier diet, regular exercising etc.

Why Are Regular Health Checkups Important?

● Detect early signs of certain health issues
● Reduces the risk of complications
● Prompt you to undergo lifestyle changes and maintain a healthy lifestyle
● Reduces the risk factors for chronic diseases
● Lower treatment expenses

How Often Should You Undergo a Health Check-Up?

In general, it is advised to undergo yearly health check-ups. Some health problems do not show earlier symptoms, and by the time symptoms occur, the health problem may have progressed to a more serious stage. Hence, it is better to undergo a yearly health check-up to detect health problems early when they are most easily treatable.
In case of chronic issues detected, you might have to undergo routine follow-ups to know the progress of the treatment.

What tests are conducted in a routine health check up?

A common set of investigations include Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, CBC, Thyroid, Uric Acid, Chest X-Ray, ECG, TMT, abdomen ultrasound, Urine routine, Lipid profile, Liver and Kidney function test, Lungs function test, Vitamin D etc.
Additionally, for women, pap smear and mammogram tests are done and for men, PSA screening for prostate cancer is done.
There are a varied range of health checkups and kinds of tests and procedures may vary depending on age, gender, family history, lifestyle, and medical history.

It’s always recommended to consult a general physician to get the details of the investigations to be done according to age, gender, family history, lifestyle, and medical history. We are one of the best medical centres in Al Karama, Dubai offering a range of complete health check-up packages with consultations from best general physicians in Al Karama, Dubai. Depending on the test results, our physician recommends a course of treatment, investigate further or refer you to the concerned specialist for further diagnosis and treatment.

Make an appointment with one of our professional Doctors.